Corona 19 blocking and treatment "acetobactrin"
Severe patients should be provided with a reproductive herb through a humidifier. Severe and severe patients who are unable to self-breath or those with underlying diseases can be administered directly to the blood as an injection. When administered to the blood, it is diluted with 50 cc of physiological saline in 50 cc of reproductive plants with situational vinegar (suitable as an injection with more than 95% clarity). once a day, three days can see the effect. The fast therapeutic effect prevents long-term damage in critically ill patients.
When the plague broke out in the Middle Ages, there were three robbers who entered the house of a French manor and a nobleman's house to steal expensive treasures. The judge buryed the secrets that survived the plague, gave the stolen treasures as they were, and placed the conditions for indulgence. It was a condition for handing over the recipe for vinegar to the government authorities. Orleans was the first city to manufacture vinegar. So Vinegar's aid became Orleans. Pasteur, a French man with this history, was praised for spreading the infectious disease vaccination method to the world. However, at the end of the year, Goman Pasteur developed a pasteurization method to gain recognition that French wine was the best in the world. When heated at 67.5 degrees for 30 minutes, the taste of the wine does not deteriorate, only sterilization. The cause of acid sourness was acetobacter, the causative agent of vinegar. By Pasteur, Acetobacter bacterium, which had a major in eradication of plague, was destroyed. Afterwards, the epidemic became a predicament for those with money, which was prevented only through vaccination. This is why the epidemic cannot be blocked unless you ignore Pasteur.
I have a mission to revive the new Corona 19 by reviving the acetobacter bacteria that Pasteur eradicated. It is a mission to plant a structure in the global village that can completely eradicate epidemics without money. It is the determination that all infectious diseases of mankind, livestock, and animals and plants should be completely eradicated with acetobacter bacteria and structured so that no more epidemics can occur. How unfair are the people, livestock, and plants that die from the epidemic?
200 years have passed since Pasteur. If the humidifier, a product of modern civilization, is burned with raw vinegar (non-sterilized vinegar) and operated for 24 hours, all spaces in which vinegar smells are sterilized are sterilized. Patients infected with Corona19 can even be treated. It will be cured in 3 days. It is a natural method that is 100% effective without any money.
There is nothing more to do with the immunization law, but challenge the helpless medical practitioners and scientists who take off silicone gloves and politicians from around the world who are lagging behind as they see their people dying. I am talking about ending the epidemic in a way called sterilization and treatment of humidifiers by reviving acetobacter bacteria. What will you end the epidemic?
Among the readers of this article, overseas Koreans are urged to immediately move this article to each country's article about humidification therapy to health authorities around the world including WHO. It should be impressed that Koreans are the best in the world.
I don't want to see the disgusting appearance that Xi Jinping, who has done nothing, becomes a hero and WHO Secretary-General becomes a hero. I am convinced that vinegar treatment is already used in China. Otherwise, it is not possible to block out the disease like the new Corona 19.
The new corona 19 is completely eradicated by diluting 40 cc of unsterilized reproductive plants in 4 L of humidifier water. In confirmed patients, it is cured in 3 days. A dead virus appears in the breath of a patient treated with Acetobacter bacteria. Therefore, it becomes a walking vaccine, making the immunity of the accessor. No need for masks, sound pressure equipment, protective clothing. Going next to a patient treated with Acetobacter bacteria is like getting a free vaccine. That's why you don't have to wear a mask.
I wanted to invent a new corona19 blocking and treatment method for Wuhanbal. However, I wanted to solve the enormous reality of dying from around the world and blocking the economy and traffic. That is why it releases acetobactrin and releases it free of charge.
Corona 19 blocking and treatment "acetobactrin"
Coronavirus Outbreak and sterilization- "Acetobactrin"
[Patent application number 10-2020-0030452]
"Acetobactrin" was developed as a remedy for respiratory infectious diseases and sepsis, including coronavirus. I believe that acetobactrin will save mankind suffering from respiratory epidemics and sepsis, just as penicillin made from green mold in the past saved mankind.
Acetbactrin, a raw material for acetobactrin, has an excellent effect on the treatment of liver cancer, leading to a normal decision in patients with stage 3 cancer after 6 months. Based on this, cases and research data are collected to study the Nobel Prize. Situation Geumcho is a periodontitis with blood pus coming out from the gums and when the pain is severe, if it is bitten in the mouth, the pain stops within 1 minute and boasts the sterilizing power to subside the periodontitis. Based on this, it is researching as a preventive and blocking agent for various infectious diseases, and is expanding the area to develop and control AI bird flu, foot and mouth disease prevention and control as a livestock epidemic. This study is a high value-added project that guarantees more than 100 trillion won per year and at least 10 years. It is a serious future business that must be developed as Korea's future food business. To this end, a situational candle is laid out. To overcome the current situation at an early stage and raise the status of the Republic of Korea, the situation is given free of charge. First of all, please understand that there is no choice but to limit it to the request of the government, government offices or hospitals.
Treatment mechanism
Acetobacter bacteria are natural enemies of viruses. It is an area of microorganisms that has sterilizing power that can sterilize bacteria and fungi. Acetobacter bacterial is a vinegar of traditional fermented vinegar. Acetobacter bacteria are the only bacteria that have 100% sterilizing and oxidizing power at the same time, and are beneficial bacteria classified as lactic acid bacteria. The oxidizing power is the ability to oxidize and remove harmful chemicals and heavy metals, and the sterilizing power is the highest bacteria on the earth, and it is the ability to remove all bacteria and fungi. By possessing both of these abilities at the same time, it shows the mysterious super-climax ability. Soon, it is capable of eradicating all bacteria on the earth, and it is a super-climaxing ability to remove fungi, chemicals, toxic substances, harmful substances, heavy metals, and radioactivity. Dr. Shim Gil-soon, Dean of the College of Pharmacy at Seoul National University, said, "Vinegar purifies the blood and removes radioactivity in the body. Vinegar is a metabolite and conforms to medicines." Announced. In particular, rice vinegar in Korea, including Hanwha Geumcho of the present application, has the strongest efficacy by being fermented by acetic acid by the most potent acetic acid bacterium "Acetobacter seobokcidans". No substance on Earth can control Acetobacter bacteria.
Chemical mechanism
Acetobacter bacteria produce the compound acetaldehyde upon contact with alcohol. Acetobacter bacteria are surrounded by acetaldehyde and adsorb and kill all bacteria in contact with the air. Here, acetaldehyde has a unique biochemical mechanism that acts as an adsorbent. All substances that are contacted through this mechanism are oxidized. In particular, I like mucus and feces with high concentrations of liquor or animals and plants. It is ideally absorbed by human mucous membranes, mouth mucous membranes, intestines, and blood, and acts as soon as it is absorbed, showing 100% sterilization and oxidizing power. It has no side effects and boasts a fantastic effect that benefits the environment.
1. Characteristics and Effects
Acetobacter bacteria have the strongest effect on infectious diseases transmitted to the respiratory tract because the ability of acetobacter bacteria to remove all bacteria and fungi that come into contact with air is 100%. Infectious bacteria that come into contact with Acetobacter bacteria die immediately and lose their transmission power as an infectious disease. An infectious disease that has lost its transmission power is no longer an infectious disease. Bacteria from patients injected with acetobacter bacteria are those that have lost transmission power and are not transmitted. Patients treated with acetobactrin are welcomed everywhere, as they are like walking vaccines that generate immunity to nearby people.
Therefore, there is no need for a negative pressure room and a mask. Medical personnel are not required to wear protective clothing and protective gear. It is the safest, surest, and best remedy on the planet.
2. Usage
Usage is divided into portable and beach use (for spaces in schools, hospitals, government offices, etc.). For preventive use, use a ratio of 1 to 10 water per reproductive plant, and for treatment, use a dilution of 1 to 5 water per reproductive plant. Commercially available bottled water is sterilized, so you can use bottled water or purified water. Never use tap water. If unavoidable, tap water with chlorinated chlorine for more than 30 minutes must be used.
a. Personal portable
It is used for hand sanitizers and oral cleansing. When administered to the nose, it can eradicate viruses that have infiltrated the mucous membranes, bronchi, and lungs of the nose.
b. For humidifier
It is a method used 24 hours a day by installing it in a space such as a hospital or institution. When used for preventive use, dilute 20 cc of acetobactrin in 4 L of water in a humidifier. It is completely eradicated to the point where it can smell vinegar. When used in a hospital room or isolation ward for treatment, dilute 40 cc of acetobactrin in 4 L of water to operate the humidifier. If your chest feels a little warm, you can ventilate it. It can be widely applied from mild to severe patients and is cured within about 3 days.
The vinegar scent emitted from the humidifier has a calming and analgesic effect. It relieves the stress of the living body, calms the pain, and restores the condition. It is fantastic.
c. Severe patient injection therapy
Severe patients should be provided with a reproductive herb through a humidifier. Severe and severe patients who are unable to self-breath or those with underlying diseases can be administered directly to the blood as an injection. When administered to the blood, it is diluted with 50 cc of physiological saline in 50 cc of reproductive plants with situational vinegar (suitable as an injection with more than 95% clarity). once a day, three days can see the effect. The fast therapeutic effect prevents long-term damage in critically ill patients.
3. It is a salvation material that can save humanity.
Authentic fermented vinegar containing acetobacter bacteria is the most effective and economical salvation material that can save humanity.
4. Notice
Commercially available fermented vinegar is sterilized for reasons of deterioration. Fermented vinegar sterilized is a seasoning to create a sour taste. Vinegar that is exported or imported is also sterile vinegar. Sterilized vinegar should never be used.
Institute of Acetic Acid Effect Technology Development
Ahn Hyung-Sik, Director of Dojo Manufacturing (010-2679-7222)
Address: 86-8, Songgok-gil 68beon-gil, Yeomchi-eup, Asan-si, Chungnam,
Phone number 041-544-7260,
Business registration number 142-05-62829